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The Journey of Creating a Customer Journey Map

There is so much more to using a product or service than just the product or service itself, which is why we use journey maps to help you improve every part of the end-to-end experience for your customers.

Customer journey maps are visual representations of the interactions and emotions that a customer goes through across their experience. Seeing what your customers are doing, saying, thinking, and feeling at each step can help you understand what they want and where they run into trouble.

Here’s a quick video explaining the typical journey of creating a Customer Journey Map . . .

Internal Customer Journey Mapping Workshops
We love to begin by joining forces with internal teams to create a draft of the customer journey. This allows us to understand many of the touchpoints and known hassles before we head into customer research. It also helps to get the internal teams, beyond just customer experience, engaged and invested in the journey mapping process.

Next is a critical part.

Co-Creating Journey Maps with Customers
The key to developing an impactful journey map is engaging with real customers to get to know them and understand their journey.  You can use a variety of research methods to gather insights on your customers’ journey. We find that one of the most powerful ways to develop a journey map is to co-create it with customers.  We do that in interactive, hands-on workshops that include engaging exercises that allow us to immerse and embark on the journey with them.

Designing Your Customer Journey Map
Using what we learn from your customers, we design a journey map that is tailor-made for you.  It is carefully curated so that it’s easily digestible and constructed according to your company’s specific needs, industry, product, customers, etc.

Putting Your Customer Journey Map to Work
Your team can use the map to understand where customers are feeling emotional lows and strategize around ways to make those experiences a high. Conversely, you can look at the highs and strategize about ways to leverage those highs for loyalty, referrals, and more.

We also work with you to share insights from the journey map across your company, getting employees involved and showing them how they can make the maps actionable and enhance the customer experience.

Whether you’re just getting started or are in the middle of your own Customer Journey work, we’d love to hear about your goals and challenges and share any ideas! In the meantime, you can find more of our blogs on Journey Mapping here.

Sarah Collins

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